Writer's Clan

Storms And Tranquility.

Part One.

He counted the lights in the urban city down the lane while I counted his scars. I wondered how he smiled so often with those heavy stitches on his lips. He said these were the consequences of bottling up too many secrets within himself. I always felt a very strong connection with him for we shared most of the cuts, those upon the soul. These scars were only for the body but on the inside, they were wounds that would rot me to death. He made my wounds shine over its cracks and told me how I was so beautiful with them on my skin. I used to believe that the world was dark, hiding deepest secrets behind every face. He told that it was the bright glint in my eyes that was eclipsed by the darkness and negative vibes of some undeserving people. I used to believe that my past followed me only to haunt me as I kept closing all doors to keep myself away from it, but he called me from behind a closed door and asked me to learn from my mistakes. I was a mess with all broken threads of trust, he was the magic that tied all knots to one that lead me to him. I sulked over the thought that I was better off alone with the fire within me. He took me to the darkest places where I learnt to become my own source of satisfaction. I was raised with the myth that a girl and a boy could have only a love tangent with each other. Here, I am standing on the top of the world having him for a lifetime as a friend. The two minds with a set of different thoughts where I felt we met by destiny and he claimed destiny was just an illusion.
“It’s our pain that found each other.” He said.

~Simran Riyaz

|instagram: @yourshishterr

All About the Lens, Illustrations and Artworks, Writer's Clan

Welcoming 2018!

Happy New Year!

January 1st, New Year or also known as the day to make resolutions for the coming year.

Resolutions help us become a better person or correct a habit that you might not like about yourself or even make the world a better place by contributing. Sometimes, we fail at executing it and sometimes, we don’t. But even a simple change in yourself can be the ripple to a life-changing wave.

Here are 6 simple life-changing resolutions that you can make for 2018:

  1. Show more kindness

    It is important to show kindness to everyone who deserves it. You must try to be more empathetic towards the conditions of others.

  2. Learn to say, “No”!

    While helping everyone and trying to fit in is important, it is also important to help oneself. You must learn to say, “NO” to things that go against your principles. Resist peer pressure and make no false promises.

  3. Spend more time with family

    If you were ever a family person, maybe this is the year you should change that. Spend more time with your family, make memories and get to know more about each other.

  4. Step out of your comfort zone

    It is important to explore every once in a while and step out of your comfort zone. It might seem scary in the beginning but it can lead up to a whole bunch of new experiences and self-discovery.

  5. Fly high but remember to land and stay grounded

    Always remember that compliments shouldn’t get to your head and criticism shouldn’t get to your heart.

  6. Believe in planning but also appreciate spontaneity

    Learn to plan more often and do it in a better way but also be prepared just in case it doesn’t work out. Also, indulge yourself in spontaneity more often.

Let’s welcome 2018 with warm hands, clear minds, jolly smiles and happy hearts!

Writer's Clan

पर भारत वहीँ का वहीँ है

आज़ादी के सत्तर वर्षों बाद,
तिरंगा आज भी हर छत पर गर्व से लहरा रहा है।
अपने व्यस्त जीवन से एक दिन निकाल,
हर भारतवासी शहीदों को याद कर,
भारतमाता को शीश नवा रहा है।
कितना वक़्त गुज़र गया,
कितनी सत्ताएँ पलट गयीं,
पर उन्नीस सौ सैंतालिस से दो हज़ार सत्रह तक,
कुछ तो बदलाव आये ही होंगे न?
आज 15 अगस्त केवल स्वन्त्रता दिवस नहीं रह गया है।
कुछ के लिए यह एक छुट्टी का दिन है, national holiday.
तो कुछ के लिए झंडे बेच एक वक़्त रोटी खाने का ज़रिया।
कोई मोर्चा निकाल देशभक्ति की आड़ में अपना ही उल्लू सीधा कर रहा है,
तो कोई महज़ एक दिन के लिए उन वीर जवानों को श्रद्धांजलि दे रहा है
जिनके परिवार वालों को पहले न जाने कितनी बार ही दुत्कारा।
सोमवार को छुट्टी कर, कितने ही short trip पर निकल गए,
जो बचे कुछ देश की हालत से बेख़बर, गलियों के कोने में नशे से धुत हैं पड़े।
क्या करें ज़नाब!
देश अब modern हो गया है,
लोग busy हो गए हैं।
अब वो देश पर मर मिटने का जुनून
पागलपन कहलाता है।
पुरुषों के समान हक़ माँगती हर औरत
Feminist कहलाती है।
वो जो देर रात काम कर घर आती है न,
उसे तो क्या क्या बुलाते हैं, अब कैसे बताऊँ?
चीन सीमा लांघ कितना ही आतंक क्यों न फैला ले,
शाहरुख़ की नयी फ़िल्म ने 100 करोड़ कमाया या नहीं, युवा पीढ़ी को तो इसकी पड़ी है।
हाँ बस इतना सा ही बदला है भारत,
बाक़ी तो सब आज भी वैसा ही है।
एक टुकड़े ज़मीन पर सत्तर साल पहले भी लड़ रहे थे,
आज भी लड़ रहे हैं।
ये मेरा, वो तेरा की जंग में जवान तब भी मर रहे थे,
देश, नदी, पहाड़, सब की ख़ातिर आज भी शहीद हो रहे हैं।
हरा, केसरिया, हर रंग की राजनीति पहले भी पुरज़ोर चलती थी,
गाय, बकरी, मुर्गी तक तो आज बस इसके छींटे आ गए हैं।
हाँ, भारत वहीँ का वहीँ है,
बस अंदाज़ नए से हैं।
धुंधली पड़ती कुछ आँखों ने एक स्वतन्त्र जमीं का ख़्वाब देखा था,
छोड़ गए वो हमारे हाथों में बागडोर
कि हम एक नए दीये से नवीन उजाला लाएंगे।
पर हमने तो केवल पुराने को ही recycle किया,
संविधान हो या समस्याएं, किसी को भी सरल नहीं किया।
किसान तो आज भी मर रहा है,
औरतें अब भी रो रही हैं,
गरीब आज भी भूखा है,
अमीर आज भी बेचैन है।
वक़्त तो लम्बा गुज़र गया,
पर भारत वहीँ का वहीँ है।
पर भारत वहीँ का वहीँ है।।

All About the Lens, Writer's Clan

At Peace


Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi


Past through the maze of steels and bricks

I have come beyond the cradle of nature.

No raindrop kiss on my head,

No promise of a blissful lullaby,

Just my solitude, at peace.

All About the Lens

Manali Melody by Sagarika Debnath

Sagarika Debnath is the Head of All About The Lens which is the Photography Department of BLACK | Grey | WHITE Magazine. We are proud to have her in our Team and she has showcased the beautiful vision that she has in every picture that she takes. It takes real talent and beauty to capture something very magical in something ordinary.

Here is a video that she made. Be sure to check it out and read what some BGW members and readers have to say about her work and vision.

After releasing every Issue, people say the same thing, “You have one hell of a Photographer”.
And I say the same thing, “I know. I’m a huge fan, too. I’ve loved her vision and photography ever since I’ve known her.
– Manavi Kunwar
Founder and Editor-In-Chief


Sagarika’s photographs show exactly how she looks at things. She takes pictures from unusual angles which give the picture meaning and an insight. They show how stunning simple reality can be.
-Saleha Siddiqui
Founder and Editor-In-Chief


She takes me into the other world of desires, where everything seems a fantasy only to realise that all of that was real. She makes me see how beautiful the world is.
– Arzoo Siddiqui
Member, Marketing Minions


The photographs that she captures portray the emotions and textures with such vividness, like an omnipresent soul is present however varied may the readers’ thoughts be.
– Abhishek Matthew George


Sagarika has an eye for beauty and she has the ability to combine it with creativity. Her skills give meaning to her pictures in the best way possible.
– Ishika Marwah


Her pictures are not only visually aesthetic, they also provide inner happiness to self as well. The way she captures ordinary faces, scenes and things in extraordinary and beautiful.
– Juvairiah Khan
Head, Illustrations and Artworks


She has got this extremely beautiful way of capturing the things around her. You can count me in as her fan. I definitely look forward to seeing more of her photography.
 -Sumaiya Rizvi
Photographer, All About The Lens